Finding Talc

Arroz Arum: turns to look at the CID officer. "We just passed the Engineering Facility on the left, on the right are Fleet Captain Toocool's private lands, her official residence is there. Up here," he points to the buildings as they walk, "this is the village of Pebble. And," nodding to the large brown building with 'Cafe on it', "The Cafe. The missing officer, Slate Talc, I have seen him here with his friend on Fridays. Figured he might be here today as well."

LTjg Nico P Caito has put away his PADD now that the Colony Commander is gone. He considers a moment and figures it might be safe to put his combadge back on. He's no gung ho officer but he isnt the slacker Slate is either. He pins it back on and looks out the window, shrugging. He's had breakfast ... maybe he should consider ordering lunch while he waits.

Warfina Tisch: nods, i appreciate you letting me tag along to get the lay of the land, meet a few locals along the way and hopefully i can give a hand

Arroz Arum: looks to his PADD. "LTjg Nico P Caito is the friend's name. Engineering branch. Off duty today." Looks up, "Let's see if we can find him."

LTjg Nico P Caito turns his head to peruse the menu again. "Laf." he calls to one of the waiters. "The new menu isn't up yet?" the waiter shakes his head and replies. "Not yet. She has a lot of stuff to go through." Nico snorts and sighs. "Well, maybe when Slate gets here. He acts like Starfleet pays overtime. Or hes flirting with someone .... one of the two."

Warfina Tisch: as always i take in the surroundings, several starfleet off duty personnel lounging around, you can spot them a mile away, a few locals, the food smells passable, but it seems the alcohol might be the bigger draw, you can smell it spilled in the cracks of the floors, some times the super sense of smell is a curse muttering as my nose wrinkles

Arroz Arum: leads the way to the ramp of the cafe, all the smells making him feel hungry. "Here we are," he says, stepping inside, glancing to the tables, finding the man he's looking for, steps over to him and stands, hovering large, over Nico.

LTjg Nico P Caito turns from the menu when a couple walks in in uniform. One of them hovers over him and he looks up curiously, relieved that this time the person is LOWER in rank than him. "What is it, ensign?" he asks, putting the command tone inhis voice he didnt want to use off duty. darn Toocool for getting his mind on protocol. "As you can see, I'm off duty." he doesn't know the man, but he does see the Intel uniform. "I'm engineering. I know nothing, as you guys well know." he quips. The combat gear is making him slightly anxious, even though he knows he hasn't done anything wrong. But ... Slate ... how many times does he have to tell that boy ..... he isn't Astra now, he's Starfleet. And the Klingon ... security? His heart sinks slightly.

Warfina Tisch listens closely as Ens Arroz dialogues with the officer who on the surface appears to be casually relaxing but shows signs of stress and nervousness. Nods a greeting to LTjg Nico,* Hello we seek your collegue Slate Talc when was the last time you saw him?? *Said briskly and in the no nonsense way of the Klingon

Arroz Arum: looks down, his stance is slightly hostile. His eyes are fixed on Nico's face as Warfina states her questions. He tucks his thumbs into his belt, setting himself to look as wide and threatening as possible. "Off duty or not, you'll answer our questions."

LTjg Nico P Caito looks between the two of them. So this WAS about Slate, after all. He arches his brows, keeping himself calm. With the words of the ensign, he slowly stands, glancing down at him. "And Off Duty or not, maybe we should stick to protocal .... ensign." he emphasises the rank. He turns his head to the Klingon. "I saw him a few days ago. He was going to that festival thing ... told me it was going to be pretty ... loose." he says. "I had duty, so i didnt go." he looks between them again. "Why?"

Warfina Tisch: *frowning as my combadge chirps listens and looks to the LTjg & Ensign* Excuse me I have to go, urgent matters have come up. *Nods to Ensign Arroz and glares at the LTjg* Don't make any transfer plans I will need to see you after I finish this business *You overheard something about finding a body stuffed in a storage locker. I turn and briskly walk away*

Arroz Arum: doesn't budge an inch. He glances to Warfina when her combadge chirps, a muffled voice reports something about a body in a locker. He nods to her, indicating he will carry on. Looking back to Nico: "I don't care what rank you are. By order of the Colony Commander Security has the right to question everyone on Colony lands and Pebble Village falls into that. Now," his voice softens, "I'm aware you're Slate's friend. He has not shown up for 3 duty shifts now, which, even for him, is apparently not routine. Any idea where we might find him?"

LTjg Nico P Caito blinks as the Klingon speaks and leaves. He frowns. That made it sound like he was suspected of something. He turns to the disrespectful little pimple of a security officer. "The Colony Commander might hear about your insubordination in exercising your right." he growls, softly and then stops. "Three shifts?" he whistles low in amazement. It is unusual for him ... a day ... that's run of the mill and they don't even seem to take note of that. "Well ... He planned to go to the party with Latte .. then take her to his cabin .... for a lil ... R&R." he doubts the ensign will appreciate the humor. "I can take you there." he offers.

Arroz Arum notes the change of expression on the man's face. He ignores the threat. That's typical of those who dislike authority, and he's heard enough throughout his training to know it's jostling for position. "I'd appreciate that," he replies, standing back and gesturing to the door, "Who is Latte?" He raises an eyebrow slightly. A willing girl, a party...

LTjg Nico P Caito nods and heads for the door, explaining as they make their way. "Latte is his girlfriend." he explains. "Hot lil thing, actually. But not real keep on the whole 'go ff and explore the stars' thing. Her idea of travel is the other side of the planet, or maybe Treman when they aren't trying to kill each other off." and they head towards the cabin in the woods.

Arroz Arum: follows Nico as they cross the channel and head towards a residential area. He recognizes the beach, gesturing, "This is a nice place, I've been here a few times," looks around at the scattered buildings, "much nicer here than my quarters on the ship." He hopes they'll just find Slate sleeping it off, his combadge nowhere to be found.

LTjg Nico P Caito walks with him. "Yea ... this isn't the worst planet I've ever been on, that's for sure." he tries to relax as they approach, sort of glad someone is there from Security to keep him from beating Slates hung over behind. He frowns at the approach. "What the hell .. that stink ...." but his heart is sinking again. VERY bad feeling.

Arroz Arum: stops in his tracks as a horrible smell comes to his nose. "It could be an animal," he says, he'd noticed the domesticated cattle and horses as he walked. But he frowns. "I guess I need to take a closer look."

LTjg Nico P Caito snorts. "Yea ... an animal...." he murmurs and moves closer .... "But all dead organic material rots when it dies, kid."

Arroz Arum: moves closer, his eyes tearing up. He steps onto the porch of the cabin to peer inside. "Empty," he says. Stepping back, he turns to look at the side of the cabin. "I think there's something in those bushes," he says, moving closer. Suddenly he turns and grabs a tree trunk, retching.

LTjg Nico P Caito peers through the window and notes no one either but a bit more besides. Then he follows the ensign and sees him grab the tree. He moves in to look and sighs. He's older. His career longer. He's seen combat. But this. He swears in a very non-officerly manner. "Slate ....." he covers his mouth with his shirt.
