Medical recon

Arroz Arum: looks towards the medical officer making his way towards the cabin. Arum had placed a retaining fence around the site, and security officers were placed at some distance from them, to stop any curious passers by from messing up the scene. Arum looked a bit pale. "Sir," Arum said to the Doctor, "Thank you for coming. LTjg Tisch, the CID officer in charge of the investigation, is not here yet. Perhaps I can fill you in?"

Morath Landfall looks over the area and nods "yes please"

Arroz Arum: "We have a missing Security officer, name of Slate Talc, native Astraionian, recent graduate from Academy assigned to Operations on SS Astraios. He has missed three duty shifts and we were unable to locate him through scans for his combadge and his quarters were empty. We questioned a friend of his, LTjg Nico P Caito, who said Talc had planned a party over the weekend with a girl at this cabin," he points behind him. "Caito and I came here and found, on the right side of the cabin, the body of a male. Caito identified him as Talc. We now need to sweep the scene and examine the body to determine what happened." Arum draws a long breath.

Morath Landfall nods "anything i need to be aware of before i examine the body?"

Arroz Arum: "Not at this time Sir, although standard operating procedure requires we do not disturb the evidence until CID has a chance to sweep the scene. Also," he leans in to whisper, "The smell is awful."

Morath Landfall frowns slightly "any eta in the lieutenant?"

Arroz Arum: shakes his head, "Not sure Sir. She was dealing with an urgent matter. I suggest we go ahead and do your medical recon? We'd like DNA samples in the cabin, from the bed. It appears two people were here. And then a look at the body to determine time of death and..." swallows, "etc."

Morath Landfall nods "lets get started then"

Arroz Arum: nods, and turns to lead the Doctor to the cabin, where beverage containers and two glasses are scattered, as well as clothing... and a messy bed indicates the probability of sexual relations.

Morath Landfall mumbles to himself as he takes off his panck and get his tools "had some party in here"

Arroz Arum: takes out a camera and begins to document the scene. On the table by the glasses he notices a little twist of foil or paper. He carefully takes images from left to right to cover each part of the cabin. "Looks like it. According to Caito, Talc had planned to bring a girl here. We hoped you could get a sample of her DNA from the bed or," his voice sounds a bit tight, "from the body."

Morath Landfall starts with a general scan of the area then does detailed scans of the bed

Morath Landfall looks up from his screen "i should be able to get the samples"

Arroz Arum: continues his image taking, noting the clothing on the floor... and beside the bed, a small stain, dried up. "That looks like puke," he says to the Doctor. He swallows uneasily. The nasty smell from the body has already unsettled his stomach.

Morath Landfall kneels and takes the sample

Arroz Arum: Doctor, can you confirm the presence of two or more people here?

Morath Landfall looks over at the officer "at least two....there's another i can't be sure of until i run more tests back at the lab"

Arroz Arum: nods to him and says, reluctantly, "If we're finished here, we should look at the body?"

Morath Landfall nods and grabls his pack "lead on"

Arroz Arum: moves out of the cabin door, off the porch, and into the bushes at the side of the cabin. At the foot of a tree, hidden by some bushes and rocks, lies the body.

Morath Landfall coughs a bit as his looks the body over

Arroz Arum: begins to take pictures, noting the position of the body relative to the cabin, moving his own body slowly around in a circle to document all directions. His face is pale and sweaty as the aroma is unpleasant. But not so bad as before... either he's gotten used to it or the breeze from the ocean is helping fresh air to mingle with foul. "I wonder why he came here, it's not a path or anything, perhaps he was too weak to see properly.." he muses.

Morath Landfall: me kneels and conducts the pysical examination "hello....what's this....officer, i'll need shots of the hands please...theres something in them"

Arroz Arum: obediently takes close ups of the hands, but suddenly moves away behind the cabin, unable to stop himself from retching.

Morath Landfall looks over "first body you've encountered?"

Arroz Arum: wipes his mouth, leaning against the cabin a bit wearily. "No, not the first, sadly. But the worst. He's been here awhile, I guess. Funny no animal came near him. And although I didn't know him personally I'd seen him around at the Academy and in the Colony."

Morath Landfall opens his tricorder and begins scanning "decomp's advanced....look like he's been here at least a couple of days but i won't know for sure untill i do the post mortem...."

Arroz Arum: stays where he is, but pulls a small PADD from his pocket, scrolling through his notes, "He's missed three duty shifts, if he died before the first one that would make it on the weekend, at least four days ago."

Morath Landfall looks down at the body "could be right...i'll get a confirmation and hopefully a cause of death...." picks up and dons his pack "when you transport the body, place him in the isolation lab and post an officer at the access except for security and myself"

Arroz Arum: continues with his notes, "THere was a girl, called Latte," one of many, I understand, but the most recent. Perhaps your DNA scan will help us identify her further." He puts his PADD away again. "There doesn't seem to be any sign of a struggle or injury that I can see. So at this point I'm going to log my report as 'cause of death undetermined', Sir, pending the outcome of your autopsy. Do you have a specific biobed to which we should transport the body? We should get it into stasis as quickly as possible, according to my training. I've documented the area for the CID."

Morath Landfall gets his padd out "stasis tube 1 then move him to the iso lab when the lieutenant is able to attend"

Arroz Arum: "I'll contact the transporter tech on SS Astraios and we will move the body now Sir, if you are finished."

Morath Landfall nods and steps back "ready"
