The guy was AWOL, that’s all there was to it. Ens Arroz Arum sniffed. He sat in the duty security officer’s desk on the main floor of the building that housed, among other things, Starfleet Academy. He stretched his long legs out, sipping at his raktajino. Outside the window it was dark and quiet. Early hours of the morning, long after sunset and well before sunrise. There was still some activity, duty officers entering the building to use the transporter or arriving from the station and heading off to bed. Everyone else still had to abide by the curfew set since the USS Prophetic had been sabotaged while in the shipyards.

He picked up the PADD again with the evening reports from the different branches that worked in the Colony and on the station. Scrolling through them, most inconsequential for security, he found again the message regarding a missing operations officer.

Begin report

Chief Operations, SS Astraios
Duty Security Officer, Astraios Colony

OiC Shift, Operations, SS Astraios

STARDATE: 150325


Ensign Slate Talc failed to report for duty shift 2230 hours stardate 150325. Did not respond to hails. Attempted to find him at his quarters, he did not respond to the door. Duty Security opened the door. Ensign Talc was not there. I bring this to your attention due to the fact this is the second shift in a row that he has missed.

In service,
LT Ayik Bjoki
OiC OPs Duty Shift Delta
Time index 150325.2312.2

End report

Arum sighed. He sent the required acknowledgement. He finished his coffee and lumbered to his feet, taking the PADD with him he ducked his head as he stepped through the doorway into the hall, turning towards base security. He would do some sensor sweeps of the Colony to see if he could locate the guy’s combadge. Probably on a bender and housed with some sweet soft thing. Forgotten all about his job for a couple days, is all. It happened.
