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FROM: Ens Arroz Arum, Security
STARDATE: 150411


Away Team to N'doto Moon on outskirts of Takaar Nebula included myself and Detective Evan Torg APF. Through questioning of the granite natives, we were led to one Latite Porphyry, the female acquaintance of the deceased Slate Talc. She was removed to the Gati jail through cooperation with Babu Chuku. Dect Torg interrogated her more completely as I sought medical aid for a serious condition that prohibited me from carrying out my duties for a few hours. The female remains in Gati brig pending extradition to Astra. Dect Torg to follow up with the legal matters that will bring her back to Astra. I continue to be unwell and have requested medical leave. My files have been transferred to Chief Security, and Dect Torg.

In service,
Ens Arum

Arroz sighs.  They are, at least, moving away from the nebula. He is sure it has some profound effects on humanoids, in fact, he remembers reading mission logs of the USS Neil Armstrong. That ship entered the nebula and he recalled the medical team advising some kind of injection to mitigate the possible symptoms. Nobody thought to give him one before he left Astra. He was just a little cog in a big wheel. 'Thank goodness at least this runabout has slipsteam drive," he whispers to himself, glancing at Torg, who is fast asleep in his chair.  Arroz looks to his PADD again, and begins to write...

TO: LTjg Nico P Caito
Colony Engineering Dept

FROM: Ens Arroz Arum, Security
STARDATE: 150411

Hey Nico I am on my way back from N'Doto. We found Latte and she's been questioned.  Definitely some suspicion there and they'll be bringing her back to Astra for further investigation. I fell ill when I was on Gati, or maybe before I left, pretty awful experience finding... well, you know. I've requested leave. I also found a message from my family that they've purchased a new summer house close to the Colony. They haven't moved in yet. I'm going to see the doc when I get back tonight, then head there for a few days. Just wanted to catch you up on the Talc thing. Must be hard on you.

A. Arum.